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2.6 Exploring the Liturgy with Pastor David Kind

In this episode, Katie is joined by Pastor David Kind from University Lutheran Chapel in Minneapolis, MN. They discuss the history of the liturgy from ancient times to today. They cover topics like how certain familiar ceremonial practices developed, why different churches practice the liturgy differently (or not at all), best practices for introducing a congregation to a new (to them) liturgical practice, and - one of Katie's favorite topics - the lectionary. Pastor Kind explains why the new three year lectionary was adopted by many churches and whether that was a good thing or not for the church as a whole. Listen and enjoy!

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Commonplace Quote

“This Divine Service, therefore, can be described as consisting of two main parts, the service of the Word and the Service of the Sacrament; each of which finds its center and acme in the presence of Christ and the giving of His grace. These means of grace are not simply found in the raw, as it were, but are surrounded by what we call liturgy: the words and music that give expression to our need and to our faith and point us to these means of grace as the answer to both.”

“For what is the liturgy but sung prayer and confession in response to and surrounding Christ’s good gifts?”

(from Pastor Kind's About Our Liturgy)

⁠About Our Liturgy by Pastor David Kind⁠

⁠Oremus by Pastor David Kind⁠

⁠Guaranteed Not to Turn Pink! by Evan Scamman⁠

⁠Gottesdienst ⁠

Egeria: Diary of a Pilgrimage

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2.6 Exploring the Liturgy with Pastor David Kind