Posts tagged Education
ed2: Part 2 - An Introduction to Our Special Series on Education

On this episode of our special series on education, Emily and Katie explore more deeply true education and what Charlotte Mason did for us by working so diligently to preserve the Western tradition of thinking and learning. They discuss the difference between the "why" and the "how" of educating, the importance of synthesis over analysis, and how the child must receive and digest knowledge herself instead of being force fed pieces of information. They dive into a lot more in this episode so don't miss it!

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ed1: An Introduction to Our Special Series on Education

On this episode, Katie and Emily dive into a new series on education. Katie tells the story of her journey through the various worlds of education (Hillsdale, Liberal Arts, Classical Education, etc) and finally begins a brief description of the answers she has just started to find in Charlotte Mason, David Hicks, Karen Glass, Angelina Stanford, Cindy Rollins, and others. This is just the introduction...

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