Posts tagged community
Technology and Community: Towards a Guiding Principle

I would guess that if you’re a Christian parent during these troubling days, there is one question you have definitely struggled with: How do I introduce smart phones, social media, and screens in general to my kids? I know you’ve asked this question because every parent I talk to wonders about it, whether her child is three years old or fifteen. The problem is not going away and there is no easy solution.

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A Conversation about Our Country's Disunity

In this episode, Shannon and Katie discuss the nature of the disunity that is so prevalent in our nation's society today. They talk about the possible results of that disunity and the plausibility of reunification efforts. They also discuss what each has been reading and learning about lately and share a few commonplace quotes. Enjoy!

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A Conversation on the Importance of True Community - Part 1

Shannon and Katie begin a discussion about community. They examine the great interest that “community” as an idea has gathered in the last seventy or so years and what has sparked that interest. They discuss what makes a community, looking especially at the idea that a group of people must hold beliefs “in common” in order to maintain community. They touch briefly on the connection that agriculture and landownership have with community, and hope to continue the discussion soon! Enjoy.

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