Posts tagged education
The Queen of Pedagogy: Narration

While there are no “quick” fixes for our modern educational woes, there is a relatively easy-to-implement pedagogical method that can be used in any number of circumstances. This method is the art of narration. If you have dabbled in the world of Charlotte Mason at all (or perhaps you’ve dived in head first), narration is not a new idea. In fact, it is one of the primary tenets of the Englishwoman’s philosophy of education. Reading about it from her own works or learning about it from Karen Glass in her excellent book Know and Tell will quickly convince you that narration is some kind of magical antidote for our modern educational woes.

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A Conversation about Why We Love Education (Part 2)

Katie and Shannon continue their discussion about education. They work through some practical questions like how to use a curriculum and what it might look like to "master" a subject before moving on to deeper philosophical questions like what the purpose of education ought to be, what a teacher is, and what the relationship between home and school should be. Enjoy!

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A Conversation about Why We Love Education (Part 1)

In this episode, Katie and Shannon begin a discussion about the nebulous topic "classical education." After attempting to distill a description of modern classical education, they move on to discuss their own educational background from learning at home from their parents, to their formal education at the elementary, secondary, and college level. They dive into their personal stories of how each of them came to develop a sense of what education ought to be while recognizing that they have so much more to learn. Enjoy!

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A Conversation about Our Country's Disunity

In this episode, Shannon and Katie discuss the nature of the disunity that is so prevalent in our nation's society today. They talk about the possible results of that disunity and the plausibility of reunification efforts. They also discuss what each has been reading and learning about lately and share a few commonplace quotes. Enjoy!

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