ed2: Part 2 - An Introduction to Our Special Series on Education

On this episode of our special series on education, Emily and Katie explore more deeply true education and what Charlotte Mason did for us by working so diligently to preserve the Western tradition of thinking and learning. They discuss the difference between the "why" and the "how" of educating, the importance of synthesis over analysis, and how the child must receive and digest knowledge herself instead of being force fed pieces of information. They dive into a lot more in this episode so don't miss it!

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ed1: An Introduction to Our Special Series on Education

On this episode, Katie and Emily dive into a new series on education. Katie tells the story of her journey through the various worlds of education (Hillsdale, Liberal Arts, Classical Education, etc) and finally begins a brief description of the answers she has just started to find in Charlotte Mason, David Hicks, Karen Glass, Angelina Stanford, Cindy Rollins, and others. This is just the introduction...

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The Queen of Pedagogy: Narration

While there are no “quick” fixes for our modern educational woes, there is a relatively easy-to-implement pedagogical method that can be used in any number of circumstances. This method is the art of narration. If you have dabbled in the world of Charlotte Mason at all (or perhaps you’ve dived in head first), narration is not a new idea. In fact, it is one of the primary tenets of the Englishwoman’s philosophy of education. Reading about it from her own works or learning about it from Karen Glass in her excellent book Know and Tell will quickly convince you that narration is some kind of magical antidote for our modern educational woes.

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2.6 Exploring the Liturgy with Pastor David Kind

In this episode, Katie is joined by Pastor David Kind from University Lutheran Chapel in Minneapolis, MN. They discuss the history of the liturgy from ancient times to today. They cover topics like how certain familiar ceremonial practices developed, why different churches practice the liturgy differently (or not at all), best practices for introducing a congregation to a new (to them) liturgical practice, and - one of Katie's favorite topics - the lectionary. Pastor Kind explains why the new three year lectionary was adopted by many churches and whether that was a good thing or not for the church as a whole. Listen and enjoy!

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2.5 Burden or Blessing? How Motherhood Transforms Us

Emily and Katie discuss the transformational nature of motherhood. It is a new identity given to each woman. It is not easy, but neither is it a burden. The discussion comes to focus on the increasingly negative view of motherhood in America as a tremendous burden and miserable "career"; as a "gauntlet", a torture, and a daunting task. Emily remembers her own similar feelings when early on in motherhood and Katie describes the transformation she experienced when she became a mother and the true nature of motherhood that modernity has all but squashed in women. Enjoy!

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2.3 Women Are Human Beings

In his famous essay by the same name, Wendell Berry asks the important question “What are people for?” A similar question could be asked about women. And the answer is connected. He makes the point that people are to be degraded and dehumanized in our current culture. Something similar has happened to women. They’ve been removed completely from their proper context and put into boxes - one side says they belong in a career, they ought to look just like men. The other side says they belong in the home and what they do there is limited. The idea that women are human beings has failed to occur to many.

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2.2 Passing through the Fire: Pregnancy and Infant Loss

October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. The 15th of October is the annual day of observance for this type of tragic loss. Emily and Kate decided to dedicate an episode to discussing their own losses and how God grants us the strength and endurance to grieve for our little ones. They also discuss how Scripture gives us the words for expressing our deep sadness and helps all of us comfort one another.

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What Mothers Need: A Little Moderation

We ought to practice some discretion and recognize that not being Penny Pinterest is not a sin. Moderation in all things. We don’t need permission to sit down for a rest, to spend a quiet moment with a good friend, to take a shower that lasts longer than four minutes. Taking care of our own bodies and souls is not simply today’s poorly termed “self-care”. It isn’t a form of the hilarious and obviously excessive “Treat-Yo-Self” practice from that popular TV show. It’s appropriate and proper for both the woman and those the woman is caring for. Rest is as necessary and good as the work we must do.

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Technology and Community: Towards a Guiding Principle

I would guess that if you’re a Christian parent during these troubling days, there is one question you have definitely struggled with: How do I introduce smart phones, social media, and screens in general to my kids? I know you’ve asked this question because every parent I talk to wonders about it, whether her child is three years old or fifteen. The problem is not going away and there is no easy solution.

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A Conversation about Why We Love Education (Part 2)

Katie and Shannon continue their discussion about education. They work through some practical questions like how to use a curriculum and what it might look like to "master" a subject before moving on to deeper philosophical questions like what the purpose of education ought to be, what a teacher is, and what the relationship between home and school should be. Enjoy!

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A Conversation about Why We Love Education (Part 1)

In this episode, Katie and Shannon begin a discussion about the nebulous topic "classical education." After attempting to distill a description of modern classical education, they move on to discuss their own educational background from learning at home from their parents, to their formal education at the elementary, secondary, and college level. They dive into their personal stories of how each of them came to develop a sense of what education ought to be while recognizing that they have so much more to learn. Enjoy!

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